Proceedings International Seminar on Brahma Widya "Manuscript Studies in Dynamics of Society and Contemporary Culture”
contemporary culture; dynamics of society; manuscript studies.Synopsis
Manuscripts, as repositories of knowledge and cultural heritage, have played a pivotal role in shaping societies and cultures throughout history. These handwritten treasures encompass a wide array of disciplines, from religious texts to literature, science, and philosophy. In today's rapidly changing global landscape, the study of manuscripts assumes renewed significance. It offers a profound insight into the dynamics of contemporary society and culture, unveiling connections between the past and the present. Manuscript studies serve as a bridge between tradition and modernity, providing a unique lens through which we can examine the evolution of human thought and societal norms.
The Journey of the Goddess Durga: India, Java, and Bali
A Reflection on the Merapi-Merbabu Manuscripts
Vedanta Epistemology as Meta-TheoryA Study of Prameya Ratnavali's Text and its Relevance to Research in Hindu Philosophy in Indonesia
Implications of Critical Education on Teacher Leadership in Early Childhood Education Units
The Manuscript of Dewa mesraman Dance Theatre as A Medium of Character Education
The Role of Manuscript-Based Education in Enhancing Student's Emotional Intelligence
Reading the Manuscript from the Perspective of Tripitama Theory
Understanding the Reality of the Self: A Critical Examination of Śaṅkarācārya's Tattvabodha
Siwa Sasana Manuscript as a Guideline for the Behaviour of Hindu Priests (Sulinggih/Pandita) in Indonesia
Drug Relapse Prevention Program in Asia: Systematic Review
The Study of Immunomodulatory Medicinal Plants Diversity Based on Local Wisdom in Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali Province
Ethnopedagogical Study of the Story of Bhagawan Dhomia in Adi Parwa
The Effect of Boiled Water from Coriander Seeds (Coriandrum sativum L.) on Reducing Total Cholesterol Levels in Mice (Mus musculus)
The Identification of Living Values in Kakawin Irawāntakayana
The Influence of Yoga on Postpartum Recovery: A Systematic Literature Review
Bioactivity and Phytochemical Study of Aswatha (Ficus religiosa Linn.) as Balinese Ethnomedicine from Lontar Usadha Taru Pramana
The Concept of Inclusivism Theology in Kakawin Sutasoma and Arjunawijaya
Face Yoga and Anti Aging
Pramana Anuman and its Utility in Balinese Traditional Healing
The Importance of Efforts to Improve Vedic Literacy for Young Hindus in the 21st Century
Teaching Balinese Vocabulary Through the Use of Kakawin Arjuna Wiwaha Manuscripts
Teolinguistics of the Sanskrit Language in the Text of Pūjā Trisandhyā
Akulturasi Budaya Umat Hindu dan Buddha dalam Kehidupan Religius di Desa Temukus Kecamatan Banjar Kabupaten Buleleng
Women in the Lontar Yening Stri Sanggama
Balinese Agricultural Rituals: The Agrarian Community Ritual System in Dharma Pemaculan Text
Tracking Metaphysical Problem in the Dialectics of Philosophy, Religion, and Culture in Bali
Hindu Godly Philosophy in the Bhagavadgita
The Role of Griya in Lontar Preservation at The Atma Wedana Ceremony in Bali
Balinese Theology in the Text of Tutur Gong Besi
Acupuncture Therapie as Alternatives in Increasing Breast Milk Production in Supporting Successful Exclusive Breast Feeding


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